Wednesday, April 7, 2021

What's Your 'Rock-n-Roll'?


You might not know this about me, but I'm a music lover.  I enjoy all kinds of music, some of which happens to fall under the heavy metal category. Bands like Metallica, Led Zepplin, and AC/DC round out some of my favorite metal bands, and they of course find their way into the rotation on my playlists for workout music, and today was no exception.  I was on an AC/DC jag today and I was thinking, as I often do on the treadmill about a myriad of things, however, I kept noticing a theme in the titles of the AC/DC songs.

The word 'rock' kept popping up.  "For Those About to Rock", "Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution" and "It's a Long Way to the Top (if you wanna rock and roll)".  Now, the band was either largely unoriginal when coming up with song titles, or they had a theme they were going for.  Personally, I think it was a theme.  I've loved "For Those About to Rock" for a long time and since I became involved politically I've always wanted to use it in a parody in order to encourage others to vote.  For Those About to Vote, we salute you!  Right?  I still think it's a good idea.  Not quite as edgy as the most recent voter turnout video titled, "Get your booty to the polls".  Just Google it, bro...

Back to my original point, you could technically substitute whatever verb you wanted in where the word 'rock' appears in those titles and song lyrics.  Thus the title of this blog, What's YOUR rock-n-roll?  "It's a Long Way to the Top (if you wanna succeed in your personal life and your marriage)."  YOU fill in the blank.  "For Those About to Pursue Health and Wellness", we salute you!  If you're doing something or reaching for something in life that no one approves of and you want to give them the middle finger and tell them to step off, "Getting Fit and Healthy Ain't Noise Pollution".  Whatever you want it to be, then it is just that.  

The sky's the limit on this.  I too am a themed individual.  I love themed parties and giving themed gifts to people.  So, if you'll notice the things I subbed in for the words 'rock-n-roll' are things I'm personally working on.  I'm pursuing health and wellness and wanting to succeed in my personal life and, well, with my relationship with my kids.  I'm also getting fit and healthy, which is just another way of saying that I'm pursuing health and wellness, I guess.  

So ask yourself today, what is MY rock-n-roll?  You might be surprised by the answer...

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