Friday, June 11, 2021

Ladies, Keep Having Sex With Your Husbands

I wrote a post about sex in marriage and a lot of you read it, so thank you for that.  However, after reading it over and over and internalizing and almost memorizing the article which is something I do on a post that I'm super proud of, I started thinking about a few things I may have forgotten to include that didn't really flow with the tone of the first post.  

First, I want to talk about the general differences between the sex drive of men and women.  There are exceptions to every rule and sometimes men are less sexually driven than their wives even though we often think of it the other way around.  Men generally do want sex more than women, it's just the reality of the situation and the way that men and women are created.  There's nothing wrong with either situation.  That's the main point that I want to communicate; there's nothing wrong with either of you, period.  So, if your man wants sex nearly every day, there's nothing wrong with him.  If your woman doesn't want sex every day, there's nothing wrong with her.  There has to be a level of communication and acceptance with the different roles that men and women assume in a marriage relationship as it pertains to the bedroom.  One other thing about frequency of sex; there are no set rules as to how many times a week you should be having sex.  You get to determine that between the two of you and that is a really beautiful thing.

Just as I said, the desired frequency will differ for every one, so I'm looking at the guys now.  Men, give your woman room to say 'no' to your advances every once in a while.  That way, they don't feel guilty for saying 'no'.  Just like there's no crying in baseball, there's no pouting when your woman says 'no' to you.  Accept the answer and give her a back rub or offer to do some other little small something instead of having sex so that the two of you can spend some quality time together.  I'd also like to encourage the women to initiate intimacy every now and again.  Men love it when you take the reins and start showing interest in having sex with them.  Same goes for you, too.  No pouting or crying if they don't want to 'do it' when you ask.

There might be a solution for this conflict that often occurs, and that is scheduling time for intimacy.  This was something that I frowned on because I loved the idea of being spontaneous and felt like a curmudgeon if I had to put 'sex' on the calendar.  I was probably wrong to feel this way.  It might have actually been freeing to do that so it was already set that it was going to happen and you could use some to time to mentally prepare for it.  Sometimes that's necessary for women, at least it was for me, to get mentally ready for sex beforehand.

Ladies, PARTICIPATE in the act of love making.  No man wants to make love to a rag doll.  Thoughts of kids, laundry and housework are NOT allowed into the bedroom during sex (or whichever room in the house or the car or wherever you might be having sex) with your partner!  Focus on the pleasure and allow yourself to let go and meet your partner right where he's touching you.  Make noise!  Make eye contact!  Communicate what you want!  You don't have to try and wake the neighbors, but if you want to, then go for it!  Be in the moment.  House doesn't have to be perfectly clean.  Laundry doesn't have to be done.  Kids don't necessarily need to be in bed, but whatever your preference is.  What I'm saying is, don't wait for the perfect moment to have sex because it will never, excuse the pun, come.  

Guys, as I mentioned in the first blog for the ladies to be sensitive to your feelings when making critiques of things that happen in the bedroom, I know that there are things that we women could improve on as well.  Don't blurt it out or fuss at us while we're in the middle of things.  Wait until there's time set aside and have the discussion.  If necessary, use alcohol prior to said conversation.

There's one other thing that I feel needs to be thrown in there and I know that you're going to roll your eyes when you hear it, but find out what your love language is and what love language your spouse identifies with.  It will be super helpful because what your husband thinks your love language is and what it actually is could be two totally different things.  Same for the wives.  Then you'll be able to speak the same 'language' and hopefully have a more successful sex life and marriage to boot.

This next tip has nothing to do with sex, although almost everything we do in marriage has to do with sex when you think about it.  Do me a favor and look for the good.  Open your eyes to the good in each other because it's so easy to look for the bad.  Usually what you look for is what you'll find.  Don't assume anything, but if you are going to assume, make sure you assume the best about your partner.  You'd like for them to assume the best about you, right?  You'd like for them to see the good in you, so why not try it for them?  When your spouse does something nice for you, write it down or commemorate it mentally or verbally thank them for it.  The small things add up to the big things.  

I know I've said a lot in this blog post and the last one about sex, but I really feel that it boils down to this; it's all mental.  There's a level of self-acceptance that needs to happen first before any of the other things I've written about can happen.  If you don't love yourself or even like yourself, how can you expect to love anyone else?  Do some daily affirmations or devotions and remember that if the God of creation is crazy in love with you, what's stopping you from being in love with yourself?  

Monday, June 7, 2021

Home Town Takeover Couple Continue to be Relationship Goals

 I know I've used the two creators of Home Town as touchpoints for what I call 'light bulb' moments before and gosh darn it if they haven't done it again.  I follow both Erin and Ben Napier on social media and I love them so much.  I know that there's no such thing as a perfect marriage when you have two imperfect people in it, but from the outside looking in, they seem pretty solid.  They seem to support one another and their personalities and strengths really compliment each other.  

The couple just welcomed their second daughter last week or so ago and by they looks of her most recent social media post since she mentioned the word surgery, I assumed that she probably had a c-section, or possibly an episiotomy.  Those c-sections are tough to recover from.  I would know because I had three of them.  They were each different in their own right, but they were all difficult to heal from because of the needs that the baby has and the needs that you have, etc.  Her post brought back a flood of memories from what I dealt with and it reminded me some of what I was missing in a spouse.  Her post had a picture of Ben giving their new baby a bottle and her caption under the sweet photo read like this:

        "If he's not scooping me up off the sofa as I'm still recovering from surgery, he's mixing a bottle or taking Helen swimming.  And I have kissed him every time he's in arm's reach because I know exactly how lucky we all are.  A reminder for those with spouses: tell them often--"thank you for everything you do for us."  and MEAN IT."

I sat there and stared at my phone screen and I started to cry.  Why?  For a couple of reasons and I'll get into them in more detail in a minute.  First, because of all the feels.  The fact that she has a husband who is willing to 'scoop her off the sofa'?!?  I mean, what woman doesn't want to be scooped off the sofa?  Sign me up for that!  And that she is being so well taken care of by her sweet husband is just so wonderful.  It's such a beautiful picture of how a marriage is supposed to be.  To serve and to be served, but mostly to serve.  That's what is so precious about this picture of the two of them.  I could go on and on.

Now, to the sad part of what made me cry.  I never had that when I had babies.  He helped me when I needed it, but there was no emotion in it except for frustration on his part.  Plus, I was so codependent on him that I couldn't function without him telling me what to do.  However, even with all of that 'hand holding', my ex husband didn't understand the nature of a woman at all.  I think women are still a mystery to him at times.  After reading the caption of the photo, I finally figured out why he never 'scooped me up' off the couch or really gave me the emotional support I needed during those times after having babies or any of the other stuff is because of the fact that a narcissist doesn't have an empathetic bone in their body.  To identify and sympathize with a weakness means that they would be admitting that they, too, have weaknesses and they can't admit that.  That would expose themselves to the world and they can't have that.  They can't let their mask slip off and show the world who they really are.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Every Sunday I Get My Heart Broken

I got my heart broken at church on Sunday.  I get my heart broken at church almost every Sunday when I go.  It's not what you'd think that would break my heart, though, sometimes it is.  Most of the time it's this: I'm divorced and my ex husband and my kids go to the same church as I do.  On the weekends when I have the kids, it's great.  We sit together and love on each other and sing worship songs together.  It's really a treat.  On the weekends that they stay with their's pretty terrible.  The two younger boys come sit with me and my oldest son stays with his dad.  We essentially live separate lives now and it hurts every time there's a reminder of the separation.

Then, we leave church.  They go home with their dad and my tears start flowing.  Not every time, but almost.  Then the realization of what our marriage counselor warned us about comes to the forefront of my mind and I cry harder.  She told us that divorce was just trading one set of problems for another.  She was right.  She warned my ex husband about how he wouldn't be there to tuck the kids in at night anymore because he wouldn't be at home.  She warned me about not really being 'free' from my ex husband which is what I wanted more than anything during our counseling sessions.  She was right about all of it.

The other part of this that's so heartbreaking is that no matter what I do or say or how healthy I am as an individual, my ex husband will never change.  I will never have the marriage I dreamed of as a young bride with my new spouse because of his narcissistic tendencies.  Our union will never be an emotionally healthy one and we prove it each time we try and have a discussion or a conversation about anything as it relates to the kids or with, dun-dun-dun; MONEY.  Those two topics are nearly as hotly contested as the topic of who was to blame for the demise of our relationship.  I'm pretty sure you can guess he expects me to shoulder the blame for that.  

I did do that for a long time, though.  I blamed myself for everything and took responsibility for everything and apologized for, yep, EVERYTHING.  When I met my previous therapist, she said her first order of business, or one of the first, was to eliminate the words, 'I'm sorry' from my vocabulary.  It's true.  And I rarely use those words anymore.  I might say, 'I apologize', or 'my mistake' or something along those lines, but nearly never say 'I'm sorry' anymore.  It does make a difference, you know.  It helps with self esteem issues because to me, I'm essentially saying that I'm sorry.  I'm a sorry individual, and that's not true.  But I digress.

I do know this; I know that divorce hurts.  It hurts everyone involved and it's not something I set out to do.  Never thought I'd say the words, 'I'm divorced', or 'my ex husband'.  Never.  Life doesn't always turn out the way that you expect it will, though.  I wanted God to heal my marriage for the longest time, but it takes two people, two healthy people, to heal a marriage with God's help.  There was only one of us who wanted to make it happen; me.  

If you are married, with or without kids, I implore you to try and stay married.  The alternative is not good. Measure your heart; not your spouses because no one can.  Find counseling help if it's needed.  Try to stay consistent with your relationship as much as possible.  I know things fall by the wayside because, well, because life happens.  Get back up and try again.  Forgive your spouse and forgive yourself.  Let grace abound.  Channel the love from the Lord that you have and let it flow through you to your family.  You won't regret it, no matter what.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Ladies, Have Sex With Your Husbands

Ladies, this post is for you.  I know that this may be a little bit forward of me, but I feel that it's necessary to post.  

Have sex with your husbands.  

Yep, there it is.  Now, you may be reeling from that a little bit, but the man in your life wants to have sex with...YOU.  Men need sex to feel connected to their wife.  They need physical touch and affirmation from you.  Did you know that God created sex for our pleasure? Sex is not dirty or wrong or bad; it's meant to be had within the confines of a marriage.

Plenty has been done by the enemy to pervert the act of sex.  Matter of fact, every good and perfect thing that God created, Satan has perverted.  Drugs are meant for healing our bodies, but people 'abuse' drugs, thereby perverting the goodness of the medicine in which God intended it for.  Same with sex.  Sex was meant to be enjoyed by a man and a woman within the confines of a marriage.  Not to be perverted by sleeping with someone you're not married to or sleeping with your neighbor's spouse.  Or to watch pornography instead of laying with your spouse.  That was never God's design for us.

God's design was that a man would leave his mother and father and that the two shall become one flesh.  That's right.  Penis inserted into vagina type of one flesh.  There are other ways to become one flesh, but this is a post about sex, so, I went there first.  It also says in the Bible that we shouldn't deny each other access to our bodies.  So, ladies, none of this, I'm too tired or I have a headache.  Guys, you either.  This physical connection that your husband desires is critical to the health of your marriage.  You can't have a healthy marriage without it!  

Now, conversely, the marriage CANNOT be all about sex!  This is for the guys, now; your wife craves emotional satisfaction and emotional security.  If you can't give that to her, then she is less likely to give herself to you.  As my therapist used to say, "if you want good loving at night, you better start in the morning."  Ladies are most like a crockpot, guys.  We need to be warmed up throughout the day.  Foreplay is more than just a physical act because women are cerebral.  Again, back to the emotional security and satisfaction.  Give her a kiss good morning and tell her she's beautiful even if she has morning breath.  (Or whatever it is that works for you) That's sure to start things off on the right foot.

Ladies, accept the compliment!  Don't dismiss it by saying, (or thinking) "My hair is a mess and my breath is awful!  How can I be beautiful?!?"  Now, it's your turn to reciprocate.  Tell him something equally kind or maybe amp it up and say something a little bit suggestive.  He will be intrigued, I assure you.  Keep the flirtation up throughout the day.  Do it for each other, not just so one of you will feel gratified because it's about both of your physical and emotional satisfaction.

Ladies, TELL YOUR HUSBAND WHAT YOU LIKE!  It may be hard or awkward, but men by and large want to please you!  I mean, if you're faking your way through it and would like to reach a real, actual pinnacle, you've got to speak up!  If he asks you to do something you're not comfortable doing, speak up about that, too.  Be gentle with any criticisms, though, and don't do it while you're in the middle of the act.  Find time to set aside to discuss this topic when you're relaxed or maybe have had a few drinks to take the edge off.  Sometimes that's necessary and perfectly fine, by the way.  

One more for the ladies and then I'll stop picking on you; your man loves you just the way you are, stretch marks and all.  Do you have breasts?  Yep.  Do you have an ass?  Yep.  Do you have a vagina?  Yep.  Looks like you're all set to go!  Do you have the perfect body?  Nope.  Do you have beautifully perky breasts?  Nope.  Do you have a tight, perky ass?  Nope.  That's OKAY!  Your man loves you just the way you are, so stop second guessing yourself and insisting that the lights are always off.  Surprise him and leave the lights on!  Wear something sexy to bed!  He loves the way you look!  And if he doesn't, he's a selfish asshole and he might need to do a little soul searching of his own.

Guys, make sure that your wife knows that she is the star of the show.  Period.  DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT try to incorporate pornography into the bedroom.  It should always be about your wife.  Caress her and stroke her hair and tell her you love her and that she's beautiful.  That stuff works!  It may seem cheesy, but if you are in the habit of doing that outside the bedroom and she enjoys it, then incorporate it in the bedroom.  It's called 'making love' for a reason, ya know.

Look, I realize that every situation and every couple is different.  These are simply suggestions and I'm not a licensed therapist.  A lot of the stuff I'm putting down here is stuff that would have helped me with my marriage, honestly.  Also some of the things I'm saying NOT to do is some of what transpired over the course of my marriage that hindered us from having a healthy sex life.  These posts are very personal and I hope you'll appreciate that I'm coming from a genuine place of concern for the well being of the covenant of marriage, because y'all need you some Jesus and probably some sex, too!

Be Doers and Not Just Hearers

 As I've been going through this divorce and spending time alone on the weekends, I've found out some things about myself that I didn't know before: I really like spending time alone!   I'm not intimidated by going to restaurants alone anymore.  I take a book and get cozy in the back corner booth and eat my food and enjoy my book.  

I also enjoy lighting candles and arranging flowers while listening to music.  I knew these things about myself already, but these are things that I wasn't really able to do while married because the candles gave off scents and my ex husband didn't like the smell of candles.  Lighting candles really set the mood for my activities and listening to music keeps my mind occupied.  My mind is occupied with healthy thoughts and peace, which is kind of new for me.

I also feel warm and fuzzy on the inside most of the time.  I know that sounds weird, but I feel so safe and at peace and I wish I could share that feeling with everyone around me.  This is the only way I know how to share it is through written word.  I just love God and myself and my kids and family and all of those around me.  My house feels like a safe haven and I'm so thankful for that.  I really like myself now.  I have been working on myself for a while now, mentally and physically.  

I like to think that I'm in detox mode.  My mind and my spirit and my soul are detoxing from all of the narcissism that was so prevalent in my married life.  It's sad because I do really still care for my ex husband and in all honesty, I feel sorry for him that he will never know what true love feels like.  I wrote this journal entry as a kind of letter to him although I won't let him read it, this is what it says:

    "At some point in your life someone hurt you and that caused you to feel like you had to build a wall around your heart.  It also caused you to want to try and control all of your world in order to feel safe and you got used to that way of life.  There was no way for me to know that before we got married.  You continued that way of life into our marriage and even now that is still how you do things.  Your parents stunted your emotional growth as a child and I am heart broken for you.  Now it's up to you to pick up the broken pieces of your childhood and find peace in the future."

Now, will that happen?  As much as I'd like for it to, no, it won't.  My ex husband will never find peace or love or acceptance.  Do you know why?  Narcissists or people with narcissistic tendencies don't love themselves. They present a different side to the world, though.  They act super confident when deep inside they don't think that they are worthy or loveable.  It kind of reminds me of a scripture verse found in the book of James.  It goes like this: "Anyone who listens to the Word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like."-James 1:23-24

The reason that makes me think of a narcissist is because that's essentially what they do.  In my opinion, if they could accept the love of Christ in a real, tangible way that they wouldn't feel unloved and unworthy.  They wouldn't stay in that state and thereby treat others with disdain and contempt.  They would be able to celebrate the successes of others without feeling threatened and they would know that they are worthy of the sacrifice God made by sending his only son to die for our sins on the cross.

Sometimes it's not only narcissists who feel this way, though.  I think from time to time we can all feel less than worthy of the cross or we can allow ourselves to do some 'stinking thinking' that will allow us to wallow in self pity.  The difference between a narcissist and the rest of us is that we've made that intimate connection with Jesus to know that we can shake off the mistakes of the past and accept forgiveness with open arms.  And all of God's children say, "Amen."

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Unshackled: Surviving Narcissistic Abuse

 Divorcing a narcissist is hard.  Period.  No two ways about it.  Each time I have to deal with my narcissist ex husband, even though his playbook is the same, it's nearly just as difficult as the time before.  However, the good news is that I'm learning something new each time we have to interact.  Then it helps me prepare for the next encounter that we have and though I may not get any better at the interactions, I can see them for what they are and it doesn't take me as long to get through it and come out on the other side.

Narcissists are extremely selfish people and they project their selfishness onto others, my situation is no different.  Thing is, I know that I'm not a selfish person.  I know I can be, heck, anyone can be at times, but I think that for the most part I'm a very giving and caring person.  He also likes to throw my mistakes in my face and there's no point in defending myself because then it starts a whole tangent of conversation and you get all twisted up in their web of lies and entrapments and you can't break free.

I had such an interaction with the narcissist I used to be married to last Friday morning.  More of the same tactics; blame and shame, guilt, projection, gaslighting, etc.  He's never held accountable for his actions.  He went so far as to say that I need to set up some structure for the kids while they're at home this summer while I'm holding down a full time job.  I asked my kids what they did yesterday at their dad's house while HE was at work.  Guess what?  No structure and plenty of television and video games to go around.  Do as I say, not as I do is another narcissist mantra and my ex knows that one far too well.

He saw that behavior modeled by his parents and it stuck with him.  His parents and his grandparents are the reason that he lives as a narcissist.  His mother was emotionally absent from his childhood and his father, in my estimation was a narcissist himself.  You can't tell them that, though.  You can't tell a narcissist how they operate because they'll deny it until the cows come home.  They'll also take that opportunity to throw their bad behavior in your face as though you were the perpetrator; also known as gaslighting.  

Now here's where I find myself in the healing process, and trust me, it's been a process.  I need to stop caring what he thinks of me.  I need to stop caring that he thinks I'm a bad mom.  Just because he thinks that of me doesn't make it true.  I need to stop caring that he thinks I'm an awful human being because I know that isn't true, either.  I also need to stop caring that he accused me of being selfish because, again, that's an untrue statement.  I'm trying my best to be patient with myself because I know I've come a long way.